Posts tagged #books

Temina: The Radiant Healer of ‘The Lizard’

In the captivating world of ‘The Lizard,’ where complexity and strict rules prevail, a vibrant character emerges, bringing a much-needed dose of positivity and compassion. Meet Temina, the herbalist, healer, and older sister of Ha’akon,…

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Unveiling the Dragon Slayer: Ha’akon

In the realm of Ha’ami, a land shrouded in ancient customs and unforgiving laws, a figure emerges, commanding both fear and respect. Meet Ha’akon, the enigmatic protagonist of the forthcoming fantasy novel, ‘The Lizard.’ Known…

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On Sisterhood among Heroes

Apparently in order to evaluate the quality of female participation in the movies you should ask 3 questions: I can recommend that exercise full-heartedly, the conclusions can surprise you… When I read books (crime stories,…

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